The Impact of Treatment on Survival
The kind of treatment a mesothelioma patient receives can affect your survival rates. Whether this is due to the treatment itself or to other factors (e. g., if the patient is too ill to undergo a more aggressive treatment) might not always be apparent. During your time on st. kitts has been no single study showing survival rates depending on treatment across all types of mesothelioma, independent studies have been done on the two most frequent types of mesothelioma.
To get pleural mesothelioma, patients who undergo a pleurectomy/decortication (P/D) or extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) - both of which are usually part of a multimodal treatment plan - generally have a much higher rate of survival than those who receive chemotherapy alone.For peritoneal mesothelioma cancer, patients who undergo cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with HIPEC have significantly higher rates of survival. When mixed with systemic chemotherapy as an adjuvant treatment, the 5-year survival rate of patients who undergo CRS + HIPEC is often as high as 67
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