Ben Affleck showed off his huge back tattoo during a training session for a movie, despite the fact he once claimed it was not real. The Justice League actor, 45, exposed the permanent ink while training alongside his Triple Frontier costars, Charlie Hunnam , Garrett Hedlund and Oscar Isaac , in Hawaii on Thursday, March 15, as they prepared for the movie while working out on the beach. The massive tattoo, featuring a colorful phoenix spreading its wings, made its first appearance in December 2015, when Affleck was working on the set of Live by Night. The Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice star reportedly got the tattoo, which symbolizes rebirth, after then-wife Jennifer Garner filed for divorce after 10 years of marriage. The pair share children Violet , 12, Seraphina , 9, and Samuel , 6. While an insider told Us Weekly at the time that Affleck had gotten the tatt at home, he later denied that it was permanent , explaining the tattoo of the my...